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What's included?

  • Over 80 hours of coursework
  • Research-based education, tools, strategies, challenges, and external resources
  • Videos, eLearning text, knowledge checks, real life practice
  • Life. Changing. Journey!

The ONLY Blueprint For Living With A Mental Health Diagnosis

It's time to start living! 
From how to get out of bed during a depressive episode to how to find your true passion and live it daily, this course covers it all!
As neurodivergents, we experience the world differently. This course was written by a neurodivergent for neurodivergents who want to live a more productive and empowered life.

Key Concepts

Week 1: Getting Clear - Understanding Your Mental Health & Unlocking ClarityWeek 2: Building Emotional Resilience - Coping Strategies & Confidence BoostersWeek 3: Time Management & Productivity - Taking Action & Staying ConsistentWeek 4: Relationships & Communication - Strengthening Connections & Setting Boundaries
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